Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2012 2013 2014

Details for Mechanism ID: 13703
Country/Region: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Year: 2014
Main Partner: Management Sciences for Health
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $650,000 Additional Pipeline Funding: N/A

NOTE: The following is taken from summaries released by PEPFAR on the PEPFAR Data Dashboard. They are incomplete summary paragraphs only and do not contain the full mechanism details. When the full narratives are released, we will update the mechanism pages accordingly.

The goal of the new Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) is to assure the availability of quality pharmaceutical products and effective pharmaceutical services to achieve desired health outcomes. The SIAPS objective is to promote and utilize a systems strengthening approach consistent with the Global Health Initiative (GHI) that will result in improved and sustainable health impact. To this end, the SIAPS guiding framework and results areas reflect a comprehensive set of dynamic relationships among five health systems building blocks (governance, human resources, information, financing, and service delivery), with a Medical Products Building Block overlay to provide technical content and identify substantive areas of concern. This represents a significant advance over the technical approach of predecessor programs.SIAPS expands the prevailing product availability paradigm to include a continuum of activities that embraces all pharmaceutical management functions, including supply chain management and which extends to patient-centered pharmaceutical services such as counseling to promote adherence to therapy, and pharmacovigilance to ensure patient safety and therapeutic effectiveness. SIAPS solutions will optimize investments in the pharmaceutical sector by the USAID health program elements and donors, address the immediate challenges of ensuring availability of essential medicines, yield measureable results, and demonstrate sustainable systems strengthening. Developing corresponding supportive roadmaps and guidance, and tools to support measurement of success from a health systems strengthening perspective, are among the key activities expected under SIAPS technical leadership and research.

Mechanism Allocation by Budget Code for Selected Year
Strategic Information (HVSI) $325,000
Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS) $325,000
Mechanism Target Information

Since COP2014, PEPFAR no longer produces narratives for every mechanism it funds. However, PEPFAR has now included performance targets or indicator information for each mechanism based on the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) system. The MER guidance is available on PEPFAR's website Note that COP years 2014-2015 were under a previous version of the MER system and the indicators and definitions may have changed as of the new 2.0 guidance.

This mechanism has no published performance targets or indicators.